Saint John's United Methodist Church

5300 South Alameda Street

About Us:

Chartered in April of 1955, St. John's United Methodist Church has been a continuously worshipping community for over 55 years! Thousands of families have discovered the rich joy of living as a disciple of Jesus Christ within our community of faith.

St. John's is a multigenerational, multicultural community of faith who enjoy doing life together. We seek to grow our souls in worship, experience God in our study of Scripture, and serve our neighbors in our outreach beyond the walls of our own church.

Our ministries offer opportunity for growth to all persons. We are absolutely committed to partnering with parents for creating healthy holy families as is reflected in our thriving ministry to children and youth. Our active adult population engages in mission service, study of Scripture, and sharing together in the happiness and heartbreak the world brings. Our active older adult ministries include opportunities for seniors to fellowship, study, and serve others.
