Spruce Hill is perhaps THE BUSBY TRAIL
the most popular hiking trail in the state forest. It
offers a great panoramic view. The trailhead is located 3 miles from MA Route 2, at the intersection
of Central Shaft Road and Old Florida Road (a
rocky dirt road), just beyond the state forest headquarters at 260 Central Shaft Road, where you
may also pick up a Savoy Mountain State Forest
Trail Map. Park on the shoulder of Old Florida
Road. Be prepared with sturdy footwear, water and
This hike begins gradually, following an old farm
road. As you near the top the trail becomes more
strenuous. Throughout, the hike is in shaded
woodland with occasional breaks at the power
lines and at the summit - good places to see wildflowers in season. The summit of Spruce Hill is
also a great spot to watch migrating hawks and
other raptors as they head south in the fall.
As you walk the Busby Trail there are no marked
stops. Allow this guide to give you some things to
think about as you hike and encounter things of