Five Star Dealerships Sand and Sawdust Festival

Friday, Jun 28, 2024 at 8:00am

Ocean Shores Convention Center
120 West Chance a La Mer Avenue

Paying tribute to the natural beauty and resources of the Pacific Northwest, the Sand and Sawdust festival is Washington State’s largest chainsaw festival.

Held on the beach in Ocean Shores and at the Ocean Shores Convention Center, this free festival features more than 30 carvers from around the northwest and world creating sculptures out of sand from the Pacific Ocean and logs from the Cedar Forests.

Festival Schedule:

Sand Activities:

8am-6:30pm: Pro-Contest Sandcastle Sculpting

Sandcastle Building with Formfinders:

10am-5pm: Formfinders Builds the 2024 festival Sandcastle

11am-5pm: Family Sand pile playground

11-4pm: Music on the Beach

1pm & 3pm: Sandcastle Building Workshops

Sand Drawings with Justin the Circler:

11am-3pm: Artist Justin the Circler creates geometric art & pictures in the sand

11am-12pm: Sand Drawing Workshop

Sawdust Activites:

10:30am – 12pm Chainsaw Quick Carve Competition

11am – 5pm Chainsaw artists carving art out of local logs

5pm – 8pm Chainsaw art auction



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